I'm dealing with a problem on my site for a while that causes several bugs. But no one of this bugs get shown with the debug system. One of this problem is that the readmore plugin with tag <hr id="system-readmore" /> don't get shown in frontend. The text underneath the tag disappears. I guess cause of the same reason like all the other bugs. And this can't be caused because of an error with Joomla!, template or component. May be some one of you have be there before and may have a hint for me. Many thanks!
Heinz ErichJoomla 4.4.3
DB mysql 5.7.41
PHP 8.2.6
Template Joomlaplates Tp_classic 1.3.17
I'm dealing with a problem on my site for a while that causes several bugs. But no one of this bugs get shown with the debug system. One of this problem is that the readmore plugin with tag <hr id="system-readmore" /> don't get shown in frontend. The text underneath the tag disappears. I guess cause of the same reason like all the other bugs. And this can't be caused because of an error with Joomla!, template or component. May be some one of you have be there before and may have a hint for me. Many thanks!
Heinz Erich
DB mysql 5.7.41
PHP 8.2.6
Template Joomlaplates Tp_classic 1.3.17
Statistics: Posted by heinzeric — Tue Mar 12, 2024 9:59 am