Hello,Hi, Adoucette,
I talked to another person in the Akeeba team before the weekend, but I wouldn't wait and followed the earlier advice of of, I think it was was gws and took a BU from 10 days earlier, wiped the root directly of the domain clean, dropped all tables during the pre-install and the site was up and running in no-time.
Different other problems were gone too so I can't pinpoint to a specific moment in time when Joomla was not working 100% , 'amongst others, Akeeba BU and Tools becoming un-reative.
But I do trust these persons and their software 200%. NIcholas has helped me before and I believe that the person I exchanged information with would have helped me too, but the set up of a ftp-client went wrong @ the hosting level, so the guy never had a real chance to find things out.
regards, Kompas
Is there any news about the error?
My update stopped during the process. Now, I can't access extensions or Joomla updates, so cleaning cache, erasing database, and tmp folder won't help in this case. Another consideration is that Akeeba automatically erased backups before the update, so the only one we have is after the failed update. All the solutions suggested didn't solve the issue, not even an update by FTP.
All GPTs don't offer a better solution.
I also changed max_post and uploaded it to 64MB after the update failure, but it's too late for this website if that is the reason.
Thank you
Statistics: Posted by eladmarmor — Tue Oct 22, 2024 9:17 am